quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010

GUATEMALA – Anacafe sees output at 3.375 million bags

Guatemala’s growers association Anacafe sees production for the 2009/10 cycle at 3.375 million 60 kg bags, down slightly from previous estimates of between 3.4 million and 3.6 million bags,.

Anacafe’s president Ricardo Villanueva said Starbucks stayed away from Guatemalan coffees in the current cycle. He said he was concerned the Seattle-based company would show no interest in the coming harvest.

"Starbucks doesn't have the intention, as in other years, of starting to visit in June or July to negotiate prices and see farms," Villanueva said. "Producers are selling in other markets and getting better prices."

Villanueva also reduced his forecast for the 2010/11 harvest slightly to 3.68 million bags from 3.76 million bags earlier this month.

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